Implementation Chapter 1
Analysis and assessment of the current situation and identification of gaps in the fields of accessibility to emergency services and provision of emergency response services to the citizens, legal framework, human resource management and training, organizational, procedural, quality assurance and management, facility and ITC capacities of relevant emergency services, mission critical communication, connectivity with public telephone networks, eCall, 112 public awareness and other related fields prepared by the Contractor, submitted to the Contracting Authority and approved by both the Contracting Authority and the Beneficiary.
Implementation Chapter 2
Analysis and assessment of the current situation and identification of gaps in the fields of disaster response, emergency management system, public warning and other related fields prepared and approved. This point shall include assessment of possible/potential relationships between Serbian 112 and emergency management systems and official European communications bodies and/or systems: ERCC (Emergency Response Coordination Centre), STESTA (Secure Trans European Services for Telematics between Administrations) and CECIS (Common Emergency Communication and Information System)
Implementation Chapter 3
Assessment and identification of the needs of the Beneficiary in the fields mentioned in Chapters 1 and 2.
Implementation Chapter 4
Preparation and provision of reasoned and competent recommendations/guidelines/technical specifications based on an analysis and assessment of the current situation and on an assessment and identification of the needs of the Beneficiary (Chapters 1,2 and 3), that shall include the design of a cross organisational emergency support system in line with valid EU regulations and best practices across world with all necessary elements such as identification of the relevant stakeholders and their role in the system, procedures for emergency call management, procedures for stakeholders response regarding emergency situation, etc.
Implementation Chapter 5
Provision of reasoned financial estimates for the implementation of the recommendations/guidelines/technical specifications.
Implementation Chapter 6
Organization of at least five study visits to different emergency calll response organizations, that cover territory and population similar to Serbia for representatives of Beneficiary institution and/or its partners.
Implementation Chapter 7
Development and deployment of specific methods and tools for simulation and improvement of the Standard Operating Procedures of the Serbian 112 Emergency Calls system. Development and deployment of specific methods and tools for advanced monitoring and control of the implementation of the future Serbian 112 Emergency Calls system.