Home03-FormsPrivacy Issues Form Name*FirstLast Phone Email* Privacy Options*Select one optionI want my personal information to be removedI want a copy of all my personal informationI request to be informed about how my personal information is/was processedI want my personal information to be updatedI request you to send my personal information to a third partyPlease note that we need to receive your request in original together with a copy of your ID.The term for processing your request starts from the moment when we receive the request, in original and signed by you.You can send the request by courier to our main office address: C/Ferraz 28, 2 Izda, E-28008, Madrid, Spain.This form can be used also to upload the request and a copy of your ID in the case when you can digitally sign the documents. Uploaded documents without digital signature will be not be taken into consideration and we will wait until we receive the originals. Upload your request (PDF format, max. size 2MB) Upload a copy of your ID (PDF format, max. size 2MB) MessageI agree that my personal information can be collected and processed according with the provisions of the Privacy Statement AgreeAgree reCAPTCHASubmitReset